For participants:
This is the project gallery from 2020-23. Find out how to create your project page using the example template.. All project repositories are part of the BHS github organization.
Some statistics
63 projects are currently displayed.
105 participants have uploaded their projects.
Filter by keywords
- abide-data
- acoustic-markers
- adhd
- adhd-subtypes
- ale-meta-analysis
- alliancecanada
- alzheimer
- api
- artificial-neural-network
- athletes
- atlas
- auditory-perception
- auditory-tests
- autism
- automatic-annotation
- b0-field-mapping
- bash-shell
- beginner-friendly
- behavioral
- bids
- bold-signal
- brain-decoding
- brain-dynamics
- brain-representations
- brain-volumes
- brain_tumor
- brainhack
- brainhack-cloud
- brainhack-school
- brainhackcloud
- calcium-imaging
- classification
- classification-algorithm
- cognition
- cognitive-neuroscience
- combat
- computecanda
- connectivity
- connectome
- containers
- continuous-integration
- data-analysis
- data-management
- data-visualization
- datalad
- decoding
- deep-learning
- deep-leatning
- deep-neural-networks
- diagnosis
- diffuision-mri-reconstruction
- diffusion-mri
- dipy
- dmri
- dmri-analysis-in-python
- docker
- duolingo
- ecg
- eeg
- eeg-classification
- eeg/erp
- electrophysiology
- emotion
- emotion-detection
- environmental-preference
- epi-undistortion
- exploration-detection
- fair
- features
- ffr
- fmri
- fmriprep
- food-cues
- foundation_model
- fslvbm
- genetic
- git
- github
- glm
- gradient-boosted-tree
- graph-neural-networks
- graph-signal-processing
- harmonization
- health
- hpc
- hypnosis
- install
- interactive-graphs
- introduction-to-deep-learning
- javascript
- jupyter-notebook
- jupyter-notebooks
- language-network
- license
- linguistic-analysis
- machine-learning
- machine-learning-basics
- machine_learning
- markdown
- matplotlib
- meg
- methods
- mice
- ml
- mne
- module
- mouse-behaviour
- mri
- mri-analyzation
- mri-visualization
- multisite
- music
- naturalistic-paradigm
- nature-based-intervention
- needs-vs-desires
- neural-network
- neuroimaging
- neurolinguistics
- nilearn
- nimare
- nobrainer
- noddi
- normative_modelling
- obesity
- open-data
- open-science
- packaging
- pain
- parcellation
- parietal-lobe
- parkinsons
- parkinsons-disease
- pca
- pcn-toolkit
- personality
- plotly
- polytechnique
- population
- preprocessing
- project
- project-management
- pybids
- python
- random-forest
- rdm
- regression
- regression-algorithms
- replicability
- representational-similarity-analysis
- reproducible-science
- resting-state
- resting-state-fmri
- reward
- rs-fmri
- rsfmri
- schizophrenia
- scripting
- scripts
- seaborn
- segmentation
- semantic-markers
- setup
- sex-differences
- single-cell
- singularity
- sklearn
- sleep
- social-interactions
- software
- somatosensory-cortex
- speech-analysis
- spinal-cord
- spinal-cord-toolbox
- standards
- structural-mri
- susceptibility
- tactile-word
- tensor
- terminal
- testing
- text-mining
- theory-of-mind
- tracking
- tractography
- twins
- ukbiobank
- video-games
- video-llm
- vision
- visual-stimuli
- visual-system
- visualization
- voice-analysis
- week2
- weight-loss
- workflow
- xgboost