Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany
By Julia-Katharina Pfarr, Lydia Riedl, Christoph Vogelbacher, & Björn Siepe
Published on May 15, 2024

This site is active from June 3rd-28th.
Kar-von-Frisch-Straße 8a, Marburg (Campus Lahnberge)
This site has particular expertise in open data, (functional) magnetic resonance imaging, software development, and machine learning.
Participants will need access to a computer, internet and to register to a number of online collaborative tools, such as discord and github. The installation of the necessary software will be covered during week 1.
Registration was over the official registration document on the Brainhack School website and is now closed. Students will be informed asap.
Please see our schedule here.
Students from the Master studies “Cognitive Neuroscience” and “Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience” at the Philipps-University Marburg can take the Brainhack School as a “Wahlpflichtmodul” and receive credits and a grade.