spinal cord

Spinal Cord Segmentation Generalizable Across Datasets

My idea is to train a deep learning model on multiple (4) spinal cord segmentation datasets to improve generalizability to new contrasts, vendors, pathologies, etc… My project aims to train the nnU-Net model architecture, a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture for biomedical segmentation, on four aggregated datasets and compare its generalizability capabilities with the four specific models trained on each individual dataset. I will conclude by comparing the two approaches on a fifth and sixth dataset outside of the training domain.

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Identifying Potential Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease Using Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Diffusion Imaging (NODDI)

In this project, I have explored the use of NODDI, a diffusion MRI technique, to identify potential biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease using spinal cord images. The goal of this project was to use an existing Matlab toolbox to perform NODDI fitting, and then use Python to analyze the extracted NODDI metrics to identify potential differences in these metrics with Parkinson’s disease progression.

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